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Thursday, June 21, 2012

My school is finishing up and I had a great time in 3rd grade. I would like to send a shout out to my teacher Mrs. Harris for helping me along this journey with all my friends.

Here is me in the play How to Eat Like a Child

This summer I will be going to theater camp like I did last summer. I would like to send a shout out to the director of all the plays and classes Miss. Sofia.



Q-All the people who are blog followers and say they want to be in the contest to see WHO WILL WIN A  FULL DAY WITH JESSIE?.

 I hope a lot of you guys join. If you win 1st place you get the hole day with Jessie. If you win 2nd or 3rd place you get Jessie's clothing line.

                                           Many will enter few will win!